Join us as we celebrate Compassion Day

Today is not only the 77th birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, but, for the first time, an international day to celebrate and promote compassion.

Compassion Day comes to us from The Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT).  The decision by FPMT to designate today as Compassion Day is a fitting tribute to one who has done so much in the name of compassion.
His Holiness will also have his birthday broadcast today from Dharamsala, India. Time zone and geographical challenges notwithstanding, the live stream of the event promises to be a very moving, unique experience. And to think, a few years ago the idea of being able to remotely witness His Holiness’s birthday would have seemed improbable.
As part of Compassion Day, all local FPMT centres encourage members to participate in their communities. Using today to share a wealth of compassion through volunteer service, meditation and mindfulness is the best gift one can offer His Holiness. Of course, acts of compassion make great gifts for any one in any community.
To learn more about FPMT you can find more info here.



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