Message from the Dalai Lama Center's President and CEO

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Dalai Lama Center

Message from the President and CEO


We here at the Dalai Lama Center are working towards a world where children are encouraged to be compassionate; to be socially responsible; to cherish the inherent interconnectedness that binds us all. Some call it social and emotional learning, we call it heart-mind well-being.

This mission is gathering support at rapid speeds. We’ve met with policy makers, thought leaders, educators and other practitioners in B.C. and the word is certainly out: for children to experience success later in life, an education of the mind must be balanced with an education of the heart.

And we are excited about our plans for the future. With the success of our pilot Heart-Mind Inquiry, we’re now moving ahead with Inquiry training sessions throughout BC.

The Heart-Mind Index, a one-of-a-kind tool, is also moving forward and will be introduced in several BC communities over the coming months.

We have also lined up an exciting roster of speakers for the upcoming Educating the Heart Series and are finalizing plans for Heart-Mind 2013, a conference which will bring together the world’s experts in child development and contemplative practice to address the Dalai Lama’s question, “How can we educate the hearts of children?”

We’re looking forward to the work ahead and the opportunities to create change. We hope that you are as excited as we are and can help us realize this ambitious vision.


Lynn Green
DLC President and CEO


The Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education is a secular and non-political charitable organization based in Vancouver, Canada that educates the heart and fosters compassion through creative learning, facilitating and applying research, and connecting people and ideas. For more information on the DLC, visit our web site at


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