Join us as we celebrate the International Day of Peace


Today is the International Day of Peace.
What are you going to do about it?
The International Day of Peace is a day when people around the world mark their personal – as well as humanity’s – progress towards peace.
If we are to go by the daily news, global peace seems an impossibly large a goal – so far from being realized.
At the 2009 Vancouver Peace Summit, the Dalai Lama reframed the challenge as achievable and
actionable TODAY by focusing on personal peace as the first step toward this global vision:
"Ultimately, peace – world peace – very much starts with inner peace. Once we create such a compassionate sort of community or sort of family, then the next generation will come from that kind of society."
The Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education encour ages you to celebrate this Day of Peace in your own per sonal way today.
It can be as simple as lighting a candle or considering what is meant by peace. Or it can involve joining
co-workers or the community in a public event. The possibilities are endless. The impact of millions of
people in all parts of the world coming together for one day of peace is immense.
You can also promote peace by making a contribution to the Dalai Lama Center. We are developing new programs that work toward peace. Your support of this important work is essential as we work together to promote peace.
In doing so, we are interconnected through our shared vision of a world of kindness and compassion.


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