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Posted by Gemma Holland on 2023-02-08 01:00

We caught up with psychologist, bestselling author and Oprah’s first ever O! Visionary, Kelly McGonigal (and her two cats!) to find out what you can expect from our upcoming Heart-Mind webinar on February 15, from 9:30-11am PST.Let’s take a closer look at who this webinar is for and how Kelly will guide us through the links between movement and happiness through psychology, neuroscience and social interaction .Q.Sometimes we’re hesitant to sign up to a webinar when we don’t know what to expect - will I be participating? Will it be more lecture style? Could you give people a quick intro about what to expect from your session with us on February 15? more

Posted by Jaden Gornall on 2022-08-05 21:38

It was with great sadness that we bid farewell to Mary McNeil, an intrinsic part of our Dalai Lama Center family, this past May. Mary generously volunteered her time as a DLC Board Trustee and Board Chair for over 5 years. A retired Member of BC's Legislative Assembly, Mary formerly served as the Minister for Children and Family Development, where her responsibilities included oversight of Child Protection and Family Development; Adoption; Foster Care; Early Childhood Development and Child Care; Child and Youth Mental Health; Youth Justice & Youth Services and Special Needs Children & Youth. more

Posted by Jaden Gornall on 2022-07-14 13:13

Summer is in full swing, and the great outdoors beckons us to spend time basking and playing within its warm, sunny embrace. As you guide the young people you care about to explore life beyond the structured environment of the classroom or home, we offer you a selection of resources most relevant to making the most of the summer days ahead from our Heart-Mind Online website.Here are our Top 5 Heart-Mind Online Resources for Summer: more

Posted by Jaden Gornall on 2022-05-02 10:46

The Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education is looking for a visionary and inspiring CEO to grow the organization’s impact on children’s social and emotional well-being.The Center was co-founded in 2005 with His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, to further his vision of “Educating the Hearts” of children. As a non-religious and non-political charitable organization, the DLC is a highly trusted source for social and emotional resources and training. Last year we reached more than 700,000 children through the adults in their lives. The new CEO will need a growth mindset to meet our goal of reaching 3 million children by 2025 in North America and internationally. more

Posted by Jaden Gornall on 2022-02-02 13:33

The Dalai Lama Center and Board Members are announcing that effective May 2022, our President and CEO Fiona Douglas-Crampton is leaving to start the next chapter in her career (and in the short term she is looking forward to some much-deserved travel and spending time with her family). Over the last 8 years under Fiona's leadership, the DLC has significantly increased its impact in our community and the number of children and youth we reach. She has built a strong team who have positioned the DLC as a highly trusted partner and resource for educators and parents in the field of social and emotional learning (SEL). more

Posted by Jaden Gornall on 2021-12-10 14:55

While social distancing has been an unwelcome and ongoing effect of the pandemic, discovering new ways to bridge the gap of global distance through technology has been a redemptive quality of the past year. Last summer, our team had the exciting opportunity to present our Heart-Mind Foundational Workshop online to educators at Chema Vision School in Kenya. Mary Muthini, Director and Co-Founder of the school, was eager to bring this professional learning opportunity to her staff after she heard about Heart-Mind workshops from Julian Prolman, who supports the school with proceeds from his fashion company, Ministry of Tomorrow. more

Posted by Jaden Gornall on 2021-10-27 00:00

As we enter the holiday season, we would like to introduce you to our Heart-Mind Box project! The Heart-Mind Box is a quarterly gender-neutral surprise subscription box of unique items with stories from around the world, curated to nurture your heart-mind well-being through connection and creativity. When we began this project in 2020, it was with a passion for raising awareness of the importance of mental wellness, and to expand outside our network of those who work with and care for children.  more

Posted by Jaden Gornall on 2021-06-29 17:21

Thanks to the enormous dedication of our Project Coordinator Jennifer Westoby, Heart-Mind Champions and other school staff, along with the support of the Vancouver Foundation and the Edith Lando Foundation, our Heart-Mind in Schools Project is now complete. Pilot schools were given a 4-part Social Emotional Learning (SEL) workshop series, offering staff members evidence-informed, practical guidance on how to infuse SEL and Heart-Mind Well-being into their school’s culture. Sir John Franklin Elementary, located in Vancouver, was among the school pilot sites. more

Posted by Jaden Gornall on 2021-06-29 13:34

Thanks to the generous support of the Vancouver Foundation and the Edith Lando Foundation, our Heart-Mind in Schools Project is in the final stretch of its third and final year. Pilot schools were given a 4-part Social Emotional Learning (SEL) workshop series along with support to implement their learnings, offering staff members evidence-informed, practical guidance on how to infuse SEL and Heart-Mind Well-being into their school’s culture. Sir John Franklin Elementary, located in Vancouver, is among these school pilot sites. Sally Ruus, Franklin’s Heart-Mind Champion, kindly took the time to respond to our questions about Franklin’s experience as a Heart-Mind School.  more

Posted by Jaden Gornall on 2021-06-22 11:44

Developed by the BC Children's Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre and BC Children's Hospital Centre for Mindfulness, the (free!) Breathr app has recently been revamped and relaunched. Dr. Dzung Vo, Head of the Division of Adolescent Health and Medicine at BC Children’s Hospital, and the Director of BC Children’s Hospital Centre for Mindfulness, Danielle Burch, Project Manager, Health Promotion & Health Literacy, BC Children's Hospital, and Dr. Joanna McDermid, Associate Director, BC Children’s Hospital Centre for Mindfulness, worked together as part of the team bringing this App to life. Dr. Dzung Vo and Danielle Burch shared with us the story and intent behind Breathr. more