New learning resources at heartmindonline.org
Since its launch during the Dalai Lama’s visit in October, Heart-Mind Online’s team has been busy researching, developing and posting new learning resources for parents and educators.
The Dalai Lama Center’s new online resource hub supports Heart-Mind well-being in our homes, schools and communities by providing free access to resources, research and general information for all those who care for and teach children. Everything we share is informed by the latest research in social and emotional learning and child development. Some of Heart-Mind Online’s latest resources include:
Vancouver Heart-Mind Early Years Initiative
Over the past four months, the Dalai Lama Center has been collaborating with Windows of Opportunity (a Vancouver Coalition for Children and Youth) on the Vancouver Heart-Mind Early Years Initiative. The program engaged staff and parents at 18 local community groups, which developed an amazingly creative array of projects embracing the Heart-Mind learning framework. Participants included most of the city’s neighbourhood houses, Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver School Board Tillicum Annex StrongStart program, MOSAIC and others. Each of the groups contributed photos from their project to a colourful Heart-Mind photo journal, which the Dalai Lama Center produced.
Promoting Resiliency in Families
The Heart-Mind Parenting Project is now preparing to develop and pilot its next program, Promoting Resiliency in Families. This program will work with staff and parents at a number of Metro Vancouver community agencies to develop new Heart-Mind learning resources and professional development programs to support parents and children in vulnerable communities, including new immigrant, single parent and low-income families. The Building Resiliency in Families project is being developed with funding from the Vancouver Foundation, The Clyde Hertzman Legacy Fund, and Purdy’s Foundation, and we are continuing to seek partners to help ensure this important legacy project can fully address the needs of our most vulnerable families.