Heart-Mind Newsletter: December 2016

This year, together with our community and research partners we helped educate the hearts of over 10,000 children and youth!
Through our 4th Annual Heart-Mind Conference, our Heart-Mind Workshops and www.heartmindonline.org we are spreading Heart-Mind well-being across BC….and beyond.

The HEART-MIND Conference – Cultivating Resilience, on October 21st and 22nd, was our biggest and most successful yet, with over 675 attendees! Some feedback from the conference:

"I speak at 20-30 Conferences a year, and I have never been to a Conference with such a consistent group of engaging speakers". Michael Ungar, PhD (HM Conference Speaker)
" It was such a joy to discover that all the things I want to believe are true, are actually backed up by science". (Howard H.)
" Best Pro D Day EVER!" (Attendee)


What will give you the most joy this holiday season? For most of us, it’s not receiving a gift, it’s giving a gift.
Here’s a note we received with a recent donation:

“This donation is on behalf of an early learning team in School District #23. We attended your conference in October of this year. We were truly inspired! Each of us took away so much from the many speakers and presenters and are so grateful. In the spirit of giving and kindness, we wish to donate to the Dalai Lama center as our Christmas gift to you and to each other."

I’d like to ask you to consider a gift to help educate the hearts of children in your community. Your donation will help children build their social and emotional skills through Heart-Mind well-being. This will help give them the best chance for success later in life. Please make your donation by December 31st. Thank you!



With warmest wishes for the holiday season,
Fiona Douglas-Crampton

President & CEO
Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education



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The workshops are designed to promote the principles of Heart-Mind well-being, and provide strategies for integrating it into your family and/or work with children and youth. The workshops are aligned with British Columbia's revised K-9 curriculum, and are also an excellent professional development resource for front-line staff working with children and families in the community.

If you are in British Columbia and would like to book a Heart-Mind Well-Being Workshop for your community, school or organization, contact [email protected].

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