Newsletter: New Heart-Mind Resource: "Supporting Teens with a Trauma-Informed Approach" and Launch of 3 Year Pilot Initiative Heart-Mind In Schools.
A new Heart-Mind Online resource: "Supporting Teens with a Trauma-Informed Approach" and the launch of 3 year pilot initiative Heart-Mind In Schools.
NEW HEART-MIND ONLINE RESOURCE: Supporting Teens with a Trauma-Informed Approach
In our latest Heart-Mind Online resource,Supporting Teens with a Trauma-Informed Approachwe share 6 simple ways you can cultivate a trauma-informed approach in your relationships with teens today.
At its core, trauma-informed practice is a way of being in relationship to others that supports safety, choice, and healing. Parenting, teaching, coaching, or mentoring in a trauma-informed way isn’t all or nothing. You don’t have to be perfect to get started – and bringing just one element of trauma-informed practice into your relationship with young people can help diffuse the toxic stress that underlies many of trauma’s negative effects. What’s more, relating to the teens in your life in a trauma-informed way can improve YOUR own well-being, as well as theirs.
The DLC is excited to launch a 3 year pilot initiative, "Heart-Mind In Schools", with an overall goal of fostering school/district-wide systemic shifts in recognizing the equal importance of balancing students' education of the mind and the heart, through engaging students in SEL as a way to promote positive mental well-being.
Utilizing a universal approach to SEL, our focus includes linking BC’s new curriculum with DLC's Heart-Mind Well-Being Framework and integrating evidence based classroom and school-wide strategies, professional development and practical resources within selected pilot schools.This includes the nurturing of champions/leaders who can impact systems change.
A key feature of this three year project is the engagement of parents and caregivers to extend the reach of project objectives and support their role in fostering their child's social emotional development. The provision of free, easy to use resources for educators and caregivers by expanding Heart-Mind Online with new resources focusing on SEL, mental health literacy and trauma-informed practice is another significant project objective.
We have a total of 8 pilot school sites involved this year. We are currently testing a new Pro-D Workshop which shines a light on healthy school climate and culture by building on existing school strengths to foster positive mental well-being for both students and staff.
Stay tuned in the coming months as we showcase some of the brilliant ways educators in our pilot sites engage students in HMWB and ignite school wide strategies to support student and educator well-being.
We'd like to gratefully acknowledge the generous funding support provided by the Vancouver Foundation, Edith Lando Charitable Foundation and an anonymous foundation that has allowed DLC to bring this project to fruition.