First Tibetan Restaurant Opens in Vancouver

Last month, Vancouver opened up its very first Tibetan restaurant.  The Vancouver Tibetan Kitchen offers not only traditional Tibetan cuisine, but also Indian style Chinese food.

Chef and owner, Tsering Norsang says that with just a small Tibetan community in Vancouver of less than 200 people, the restaurant serves mostly those curious about Tibetan culture and cuisine. And Norsang says they seem to be happy.

“The people who visit say they like the food very much and they are recommending the place to their friends,” he says.

Norsang was one of the many who came to see the Dalai Lama during the Vancouver Peace Summmit.

“Everyone, when the Dalai Lama visits Vancouver, they feel so blessed,” he says.

While the restaurant had not yet opened when the Dalai Lama visited Vancouver in September 2009, Norsang says he would have jumped at the chance to prepare a meal for His Holiness.

 “I would close the restaurant down,” he says. And what would he serve the Dalai Lama?

“Thenthuk. I know he would like that.”

For more information on the Vancouver Tibetan Kitchen, visit their website.


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