Help DLC Put Compassion Into Action

The New Year is almost here – a good time to re-connect with valued friends, share thoughts and learnings of the past and aspirations for the future. For the DLC team, this is a unique opportunity to talk to you about the work we’ve been doing, and to call on you to support our new initiatives aimed at putting compassion into action.

We are currently developing a host of programs, all of which build on the Dalai Lama’s vision of kindness and interconnectedness and aim to make a difference in people’s lives, within their neighbourhoods, and throughout the world.

Achieving our goals depends on the good will, energy and financial support of visionary individuals like you. We need your support now and we invite you to contribute to a powerful legacy.

Your gift will help to:

  • Build and sustain programs and resources that support children and youth in becoming compassionately aware, capable and engaged people and   citizens in their families and communities.
  • Bring parents, children and youth, community members and educators together in order to focus, guide and directly support young people in their social, emotional and intellectual learning and development.
  • Create real or virtual dialogues amongst distinguished scholars, inspirational practitioners, senior leaders and others to share their research, learning and understanding of “educating the heart.”  


With your help, we’ll further develop the Center for the Advancement of Heart-Mind Education (CAHME), Dalai Lama Fellows, Connecting for Change (C4C) program and our signature Speakers Series

As a registered Canadian charity, the Center gratefully receives contributions from the local and global community.

Please help us spread the word about compassion in action among your family and friends and consider supporting our programs.

Thank you for your support.


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