Say Hello! Take the "Hello Pledge"

Can’t remember the last time a stranger said hello to you? You’re not alone. But The Hello Pledge aims to change that.

The Hello Pledge invites people to commit to saying hello to other folks throughout their day.
Whether you live in a big city or a small town, recent research finds that we don’t feel very connected to
our neighbours and fellow citizens these days. We don’t say hello in the street, we don’t look each other
in the eye, we don’t connect.
Believing in the power of positive public engagement, community and workplace engagement professional Maureen (Mo) Douglas of Mobilize Strategies has created The Hello Pledge website to promote the most basic of human interactions — the simple act of saying hello.
Saying hello helps people feel acknowledged as a part of their community. And it’s a powerful social tool – almost every personal interaction we have starts with some form of hello.
“The Hello Pledge website is a place where people can make a conscious commitment to saying hello and provides a tool for them to encourage others to do the same” she says. “With just a ‘hello’ to a
stranger we can start building happier, healthier and friendlier communities where citizens feel a greater sense of belonging.”
Douglas has created “The Hello Pledge” ( to raise awareness of this basic, but declining tool for increased  community engagement. While Douglas has been an avid ‘hello’ enthusiast for many years, the website idea was ignited for her while working on Vancouver’s Healthy City Conference.
“While developing the conference, the lack of community connectedness was cited as a significant issue
for the overall health and wellbeing of urban dwellers,” said Douglas. “And we’re seeing this issue extend
to all communities, no matter the size. The Hello Pledge is something all of us can do to connect with
each other.”
So practice your smile, try out a subtle wave and once you’ve mastered this highly technical art, visit the
site and sign on to the Hello Pledge. Then make someone’s day — get out in your community and say


Thanks for supporting the Hello Pledge.

Hello Dalai Lama Centre for Peace and Education.  Thanks so much for supporting the Hello Pledge - one small act of peace that we can all achieve.

Kind regards,

Maureen Douglas, Hello Pledge founder


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