The Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Study

The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study is one of the largest investigations ever conducted [17,000 participants] to assess associations between childhood exposure to trauma, abuse and neglect, with later-life health and well-being.  It has resulted in more than 50 scientific articles.  As a result of the study, relationships have been identified between participants who have survived adverse childhood experiences and who later  experience a greater prevalence of diseases (e.g., cancer, heart disease), addictions, mood disorders, suicidality, etc.

As the mission of the DLC is to educate the heart - while particularly trying to reach children - the ACE study provides some incredible insights into the importance of a child's early environment. 

View the ACE study information

The farther back you look, the farther forward you are likely to see ~ Winston Churchill

Dr. Martin Phillips-Hing s a registered psychologist in private practice in Langley, BC.



Finally, scientific evidence of what every abused, struggling adult child has always known.

Now, how can the evidence be applied compassionately to education, family life, and personal growth?

Obviously for adults and teenagers, resolution of trauma to full acceptance and forgiveness is ideal.

To be realistic and practical, shouldn't all the statistical evidence for the number of dysfunctional homes

be considered into any action plan? 

To have an exclusive, "functional" or "emotionally mature" base for any community is a great idea, but it it realistic in terms of the acceptance and interaction of the dysfunctional, wounded world we find ourselves in?

Very exciting wrk. Keep going!

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