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Posted by Dave Samis on 2015-10-08 13:33

As part of Healthy Schools Week, Oct 5-9, 2015, British Columbia’s Directorate of Agencies for School Health (DASH) launched an online School Connectedness Film Festival; publicly releasing videos developed by six school connectedness grantees in the province. The videos show examples of the strong practices and diverse approaches being used in BC schools and districts to support and improve the school connectedness and mental well-being of students. more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2015-09-30 12:13

The digital world is constantly developing and changing, and our children have had the unique opportunity to “grow up online”, and are often more technologically savvy than their adult counterparts. But how has this impacted Generation Y? What role can mindfulness play with the Millennials? more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2015-09-29 12:24

Amori Mikami invites you to explore your teenager’s digital and online world at Heart-Mind 2015. more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2015-09-28 10:33

Alexandra Samuel is an educator, entrepreneur, blogger and all around social media expert. more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2015-09-24 12:57

“Even as an 18-year-old I remember a time before smartphones and Facebook. I do feel we have lost a sense of personal connection,” says Hannah Berry.  more

Posted by Dave Samis on 2015-09-23 20:47

In an elementary school on Vancouver Island, the first Professional-Development day of the year was spent learning about the Dalai Lama Center’s (DLC) Heart-Mind Well-Being Framework and exploring practical, evidence-informed strategies to make social and emotional learning a focus in every classroom. Tracy Smyth, Senior Editor of the DLC’s learning resource website, Heart-Mind Online, facilitated the Pro-D workshop.    more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2015-09-21 11:48

Kimberly Schonert-Reichl is an award-winning teacher, researcher, and professor at the University of British Columbia. She was recently named director of UBC’s Human Early Learning Partnership, which has been a long-time collaborator with the Dalai Lama Center, most notably in the development of the Heart-Mind Index.This October 2-3 in Vancouver, Kimberly will be making her third appearance at the Dalai Lama Center's annual Heart-Mind Conference. more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2015-09-14 11:30

"We will be engaged, informed and inspired!"Those are just a few of the words Maria LeRose uses to describe the "Heart-Mind Conference experience". Our moderator at Heart-Mind 2015 (October 2-3, Vancouver), Maria is looking forward to exploring how adults are able to help children meet the challenge of building and keeping real human connection in our digital world.  more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2015-09-08 13:59

We all want our children and students to thrive and to become all they were meant to be, right? But how is this accomplished? What conditions are required?  What experiences are essential to unfolding of human potential? These are just a few of the questions that Deborah MacNamara wants to answer at Heart-Mind 2015. more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2015-09-03 13:06

        September is here and that means one thing – back to school. This can be both an exciting and stressful time for children, parents and educators alike. Prepare for the year ahead with these resources from Heart-Mind Onlinemore