Latest blog posts

Posted by Tracy Smyth on 2014-01-29 13:57

After a flurry of activity over the past four months, the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education re-convened community groups engaged in the Heart-Mind Index (HMI) Pilot Project for a day of rich sharing and learning Since the launch of the pilot, this has been the first opportunity for the HMI Community Champions to re-connect, build skills and harvest the Heart-Mind experiences to date. more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2014-01-28 16:21

By Lynn Green, DLC Consultant, Heart-Mind Inquiry ProjectSocial and emotional learning programs and social-responsibility initiatives which help children develop empathy, effective interpersonal skills, mindfulness and kindness are alive and well in many BC classrooms. We know that such programs are most effective if there is a comprehensive, school-wide approach where social and emotional learning is promoted in the classroom at each grade level, in the hallways and playground, and on the basketball court. But how do we get everyone on board? How do we engage everyone in fostering heart-mind well-being throughout the school community? more

Posted by Morgan Yates on 2014-01-21 11:00

In this part of the series, Morgan Yates provides tips on how to keep children engaged and safe outdoors. more

Posted by Morgan Yates on 2014-01-14 10:55

In this week's instalment, we explore the real and imaginary fears that parents and caregivers have about letting their children engage in free play outside.  Simply put, fearful parents create fearful children and your child is way less likely to be hurt or abducted or than they are to develop anxiety, obesity and other health problems by not going outside.  more

Posted by Morgan Yates on 2014-01-03 10:47

Today we are launching a new blog series on the beneifts of outdoor play. In this four-part series you will learn about the benefits of free play and what adults can do to keep kids safe and engaged.I have discovered a new drug and its power to change children’s lives is amazing!  This drug: more

Posted by Martin Phillips-Hing on 2013-12-30 17:02

I recently attended the Evolution of Psychotherapy conference from Dec. 10-15, 2013 in Anaheim, California.  It is the largest gathering of psychotherapists (approximately 8,000 attendees) in the world, it's only held every four years, and is essentially the ‘Olympics’ of the psychological world.  The depth and breadth of the world-class presenters was inspiring.  One of the keynote speeches was by Dr. Martin Seligman the founder of the field of Positive Psychology.  more

Posted by Tracy Smyth on 2013-12-08 15:18

Compassion, empathy, altruism and kindness are positive qualities we intuitively want our children to have, helps a child be successful in life and, research tells us, can be deliberately fostered in families, schools and communities. Teaching these qualities is what the Dalai Lama Center refers to as “Educating the Heart.”  This video of Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl reminds us we can, indeed, teach compassion and kindness through positive relationships, through modeling as well as through opportunities to practice skills with others. more

Posted by Rachel Phillips on 2013-12-03 11:40

 The turtle technique is a method for calming down when you feel angry, frustrated or upset. more

Posted by Martin Phillips-Hing on 2013-11-25 04:08

At a recent blood donation clinic the supervising registered nurse stated that one donation of blood (488ml or approx. 1 US pint), by the time it gets to the point of use – such as a hospital – is worth around $700! more

Posted by Tracy Smyth on 2013-11-22 10:18

While getting along with others may not always be easy, there are skills children can learn to strengthen their relationships. more