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Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2013-11-20 09:45

 In the third part of the series,  one of the project leaders talks about "Gratitude, Happiness and Our Brain."  She notes that a daily practice of Gratitude, which cultivates positive states of mind, has the ability to rewire our brains for the better.By Leanne RousellIn every second of our day, there are literally millions of pieces of information available to us.  However, our brains can only process 40 bits of information per second.  Which 40 bits do you choose to focus on?  Within this very choice lies the potential to change the way we see our life and our world, and, hence, the way we feel about it. more

Posted by Tracy Smyth on 2013-11-13 12:20

Tea and desserts in hand, 26 women who work in early childhood education gathered to listen and learn about the Heart-Mind Index . As the community developer for the Heart-Mind Index Pilot Project , I felt privileged to sit amongst the participants observing. The local facilitator asked the audience to come up with definitions for each of the five qualities that the Index measures. more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2013-11-12 09:53

In the second part of the series about Gratitude Graffiti , one of the project leaders describes her experiences of "looking for the good."By Vanessa MerrittYears ago, a friend, colleague and exceptional educator, described a daily ritual that took place in her classroom during “Carpet Time.”  For a few special moments, she had her students  “look for the good.”  At the time, I filed this rich sounding experience in the back of my mind.  With my own children, I have periodically borrowed the phrase.  I have pulled it out in an effort to have them find a solution, or to promote empathy in lieu of critical judgment.  For a long time, I kept “look for the good” filed in my repertoire for teachable moments - to be pulled out when the situation seemed just right. more

Posted by Martin Phillips-Hing on 2013-11-11 09:55

87 year-old Vietnamese Buddhist monk – Thich Nhat Hahn – has been an influential figure in the West since the 1960’s – e.g., he was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize by Martin Luther King, Jr. more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2013-11-06 09:41

How do you develop a gratitude practice and what is a "gratitude stop"? Today we are launching a blog series featuring the innovative Gratitude Graffiti Project. By Lucila McElroyLooking at my life from the outside, most would agree that it has been a “success”.  I have had a successful life coaching career, reaching and exceeding most goals I set out for myself. I have a healthy family, a husband, three well adjusted daughters and a beautiful home in an idyllic tree lined street. From the inside, however, I have struggled with feelings of anxiety, depression and “not good enough”.   What a double life for a life coach and optimist like me. more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2013-11-01 10:14

In the last part of the series on "Being a Parent of a Child of Colour," Renira Vellos reflects on her  own experiences of talking about diversity to Vancouver students, argues about the importance of talking about race and provides  a list of further readings.Part 3: Observations from living in VancouverAs a teaching assistant for a teacher education program I was a person of colour walking into a class of students born and raised here, most from middle class backgrounds, starting with the topic of …white privilege. more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2013-10-22 10:17

Eckhart Tolle shared the stage with the Dalai Lama at the 2009 Vancouver Peace Summit .  We are happy to announce that one of his books exploring heart-mind well-being will be made into a feature movie. more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2013-10-20 08:46

In the second part of the series on "Being a Parent of a Child of Colour," guest blogger Renira Vellos talks about the role of parents in translating the experiences with race and diversity to their children.Part 2: Relating the experiences of a person of colourAs an educational researcher, I can quote studies on schools that show how minority students, those who are Black or First Nations, have different educational outcomes than students who are of white Anglo-European descent. more

Posted by Martin Phillips-Hing on 2013-10-15 10:15

Many people live with the belief that, “Having a million dollars will make me happy”.  By this logic, then billionaires should be a thousand times happier!  However, sages and wise people throughout the ages have concluded that material wealth does not, in itself, lead to happiness or contentment.  more

Posted by Dalai Lama Center on 2013-10-10 09:55

What does it mean to be a child of colour? What role can parents play in shaping their kids' perceptions of the diverse world around them? The DLC is launching a three-part series "On Being a Parent of a Child of Colour" by guest blogger Renira Vellos.Part 1: ON THE IMPORTANCE OF SKIN COLOUR more