
Emotional Literacy (Apr 2008)
A description of Yale’s (Brackett’s) SEL (social and emotional learning) program. Emotional Literacy is a powerful concept that is transforming education across the United States and around the world. Through a variety of new tools and instruction, educators and administrators are using Emotional Literacy to improve both academics and behavior in classrooms from Singapore to Spain.

Other Videos

Development of the Teacher. (Apr 2008).

Video with transcript. Bracket briefly explains why he developed his EI (emotionally intelligent) teacher program. “Address the social-emotional skills of educators,” says Brackett, “and you will see better results with
your curriculum.”

Implementing Social-Emotional Learning in Schools. (Apr 2008).

Video with transcript. “The development of state-level standards for social- emotional learning will improve sustainability,” suggests Brackett.

It Started With Family. (Apr 2008).

Video with transcript. Brackett explains how his early experiences with education led to working with Jack Mayer and Peter Salovey.

Keeping the Program Alive. (Apr 2008).

Video with transcript. Brackett describes quality assurance issues with work in social-emotional learning.

Making the Curriculum Adaptable. (Apr 2008).

Video with transcript. Brackett explains that flexibility in curriculum implementation increases buy-in among teachers.